
Working With The Elements: Water Journey

Below you will find the link to a guided shamanic journey. This meditation can be used to connect to the element of water to help tap into the flow of emotions, the divine feminine and to clear any energetic blockages present in your emotional body. (Journey starts at 18:50)

About the Journey

This journey is an introduction to the element of water. Much can be learned by the symbolism held within each scene of this journey--allow each element to help you dig deeper and gain more insight into the condition of your emotional body. Use it once or many times as a tool to reveal trapped emotions that have stopped you from fully expressing. I have provided more information about each element of the journey below.

The Senses

During the journey, I often ask what you feel and to take note of what you see, feel, etc. We all have different ways that we receive messages from spirit. If you saw a very vivid picture with vibrant colors, you probably are more clairvoyant or someone who is more visual. Others may hear words, get a strong smell or just simply have a knowing or "gut feeling". This information is good to know when starting out with the art of journeying. If you know that you are more clairaudient, or someone who hears words and phrases, it would stop you from being disappointed if you didn't see the images described in the guided journey.

Scene of past trauma or trapped emotion

One of the benefits of working in the trance state that journeys put you in, is to be able to openly work with painful memories and/or emotions. Is not uncommon that a surprising scene, a scene that we thought had little impact on us, will surface during a journey and allow us to see the scene in a new light so that we may release any attachments that are lingering. We also come to experiences that are sometimes too painful to deal with consciously, but in Dreamtime, we are able to change the narrative and find a positive balance to the negative event.

Water as the representative of the Subconscious Mind

The formless nature of water is a physical representation of the subconscious mind. Being able to connect with the vastness and majesty of the water allows us to, on a deeper level, build a relationship with the subconscious parts of ourselves.

Tell me about your journey experience in the comments below